Protein Isolate Powder Not Recommended (Includes Whey)

© Copyright Bee Wilder

Protein isolate powder is not recommended, because as Sally Fallon writes, “We have already seen that both fats and carbohydrates can be devitalized by processing and refining.  The same can be said of proteins.  Isolated protein powders made from soy, whey, casein and egg whites are currently popular as basic ingredients in diet beverages and many so-called health food products.  These protein isolates are usually obtained by a high temperature process that over-denatures the proteins to such an extent that they become virtually useless while increasing nitrates and other carcinogens [cancer causing substances].

Diets in which unnatural isolated powdered proteins from soy, eggs or milk are fed to animals or humans cause a negative calcium balance that can lead to osteoporosis.  Critics of meat-eating have seized on these results to claim that meat causes bone loss.  But meat or milk – as opposed to protein powders – fed to human subjects do not cause calcium loss nor do they contribute to osteoporosis.  The healthy meat-eating groups studied by Weston Price did not show any evidence whatsoever of osteoporosis.’

If you believe undenatured whey protein isolate would be a good source of proteins, particularly to obtain the amino acid glutathione, think again if you are lactose intolerant or you have candida albicans/yeast overgrowth.  Candida sufferers cannot tolerate lactose in dairy products, except for butter because it contains the least of any dairy product.  The rule about lactose is:  “The higher the butterfat content the lower the lactose. Following is a table which shows that whey is high in lactose.

Whey Protein Lactose Content

Partition of Nutrients in Milk in Making Cheddar Cheese

NutrientPercentage in CurdaPercentage in Wheya


Total Solids4852


Soluble Proteins496




Vitamin A946



Vitamin C684

a — Percentage of total in original milk at point of separation of curd and whey.

How to Easily Obtain Glutathione Amino Acid

The easiest and cheapest way to obtain glutathione amino acid is by eating whole protein foods such as meats and eggs.  Not only are proteins and saturated fats the easiest foods for your body to digest compared to carbohydrate foods, including dairy, but also your own body makes glutathione amino acid from protein.  Consuming enough natural saturated fats like butter, coconut oil, lard and other natural occurring animal fats helps pull nutrients out of foods and they heal and strengthen the digestive tract.

Make Your Own Whey

If you believe you require the nutrients contained in whey you would be much better off making you own than buying processed undenatured whey protein isolate powder.

Homemade Whey (makes about 5 cups) – Homemade whey is easy to make from good quality plain yoghurt, or from raw or cultured milk.

Using yoghurt:

  1. You will need a large strainer that rests over a bowl.
  2. If you are using yoghurt, place 2 quarts in the strainer lined with a tea towel.
  3. Cover with a plate and leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl.
  4. Place whey in clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

If you are using raw or cultured milk:

  1. Place 2 quarts of the milk in a glass container and leave at room temperature for 2-4 days until the milk separates into curds and whey.
  2. Pour into the strainer lined with a tea towel and cover with a plate.
  3. Leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl.
  4. Store in clean glass jars in the refrigerator.

Whey is 94% water, but it also contains whey proteins, some minerals and vitamins, and most of the lactose (sugar) of the original milk. Dried whey is sold as an additive for bread, ice cream, processed luncheon meats and even food for animals.