The Antibody Theory Defies Logic
© Copyright Bee Wilder
The Antibody Theory Only Works in a Laboratory
When it comes to the antibody theory please remember that antibodies are tested only in a laboratory, and as the article “Jabs and Journeys” states: “. . . vaccinations [to build up antibodies] are artificial procedures which can be found to be protective in artificial situations.
What we want to know is how effective are they in the natural situation of the real world? The laboratory can tell us little about this.”
This, in addition to the fact that the medical community follows these antibody rules:
- High antibodies [to something] equals an allergy.
- High antibodies equals immunity [to a disease].
- However, in the case of HIV high antibodies means you are infectious! ? ?
Facts About Antibodies
- People who are the most immune have low antibodies levels – see Immunity to Disease Theory below.
- If HIV tests were not diluted to a ratio of 1:400 everyone would have infectious HIV – see HIV Tests below.
- Antibody allergy tests are based on the theory that high circulating levels of IgG antibodies correlate with clinical food allergy signs and symptoms, however high serum levels of IgG and other allergy tests has not been studied, nor verified, therefore it is quite a leap to conclude that IgG to food antigens correlates to signs and symptoms of food allergy. In addition to the fact that laboratories do not use pure antigens to test the blood samples from patients – see Antibody Tests for Allergies below.
- Allergic reactions are exactly the same list of symptoms as the list of healing reactions which are created by the body – see Healing Reactions are Not Allergic Reactions below.
Immunity to Disease Theory
“The theory that the creation of antibodies in the blood indicates that protection against disease has been established is not supported by experience. The Medical Research Council’s Report on Diphtheria Outbreaks in Gateshead and Dundee, published in 1950, showed that many of the persons actually in hospital with diphtheria had far more anti-toxin in their blood than was said to be required for complete protection against diphtheria, whilst nurses and others in close contact with diphtheria infection and without sufficient anti-toxin remained immune.” [1957] The Brains of the Inoculated, Speech by Lily Loat.
“The fallacy of this (antibody theory) was exposed nearly 50 years ago, which is hardly recent. A report published by the Medical Research Council entitled ‘A study of diphtheria in two areas of Gt. Britain, Special report series 272, HMSO 1950 demonstrated that many of the diphtheria patients had high levels of circulating antibodies, whereas many of the contacts who remained perfectly well had low antibody.”–Magda Taylor, Informed Parent
“Just because you give somebody a vaccine, and perhaps get an antibody reaction, doesn’t mean a thing. The only true antibodies, of course, are those you get naturally. What we’re doing [when we inject vaccines] is interfering with a very delicate mechanism that does its own thing. If nutrition is correct, it does it in the right way. Now if you insult a person in this way and try to trigger off something that nature looks after, you’re asking for all sorts of trouble, and we don’t believe it works.”-Glen Dettman Ph.D, interviewed by Jay Patrick, and quoted in “The Great American Deception,” Let’s Live, December 1976, p. 57.
“Many measles vaccine efficacy studies relate to their ability to stimulate an antibody response, (sero-conversion or sero-response). An antibody response does not necessarily equate to immunity……… the level of antibody needed for effective immunity is different in each individual…..immunity can be demonstrated in individuals with a low or no detectable levels of antibody.
Similarly in other individuals with higher levels of antibody there may be no immunity. We therefore need to stay clear on the issue: How do we know if the vaccine is effective for a particular individual when we do not know what level of antibody production equals immunity?”–Trevor Gunn BSc
” The antibody business: Millions of screening tests are distributed, each blood sample needs to be tested (4 million in Germany alone) … The therapy business: Antiviral medication, 3 or 4 or 5 fold combinations, AIDS can´t be topped in this department. ……. With intoxication hypotheses on the other hand you cannot make any money at all.
The simple message is: Avoid the poison and you won´t get sick. Such hypotheses are counterproductive insofar as the toxins (drugs, alcohol, pills, phosmet) bring high revenues. The conflict of interests is not resolvable:
What virologist who does directly profit millions from their patent rights of the HIV or HCV tests (Montagnier, Simon Wain-Hobsen, Robin Weiss, Robert Gallo) can risk to take even one look in the other direction.”–By Claus Köhnlein
“When they say immunogenicity what they actually mean is antibody levels. Antibody levels are not the same as IMMUNITY. The recent MUMPS vaccine fisaco in Switzerland has re-emphasised this point. Three mumps vaccines-Rubini, Jeryl-Lynn and Urabe (the one we withdrew because it caused encepahlitis) all produced excellent antibody levels but those vaccinated with the Rubini strain had the same attack rate as those not vaccinated at all (12), there were some who said that it actually caused outbreaks.”–Dr Jayne Donegan
A “titer” is a measurement of how much antibody to a certain virus (or other antigen) is circulating in the blood at that moment. Titers are usually expressed in a ratio, which is how many times they could dilute the blood until they couldn’t find antibodies anymore. So let’s say they could dilute it two times only and then they didn’t find anymore, that would be a titer of 1:2.
If they could dilute it a thousand times before they couldn’t find any antibody, then that would be a titer of 1:1000. A titer test does not and cannot measure immunity, because immunity to specific viruses is reliant not on antibodies, but on memory cells, which we have no way to measure.
Memory cells are what prompt the immune system to create antibodies and dispatch them to an infection caused by the virus it “remembers.” Memory cells don’t need “reminders” in the form of re-vaccination to keep producing antibodies. (Science, 1999; “Immune system’s memory does not need reminders.”)
“From repeated medical investigations, it would seem that antibodies are about as useful as a black eye in protecting the victim from further attacks. The word “antibody” covers a number of even less intelligible words, quaint relics of Ehrlich’s side-chain theory, which the greatest of experts McDonagh tells us is “essentially unintelligible”.
Now that the old history, mythology and statistics of vaccination have been exploded by experience, the business has to depend more upon verbal dust thrown in the face of the lay public. The mere layman, assailed by antibodies, receptors, haptophores, (see definition) etc., is only too pleased to give up the fight and leave everything to the experts.
This is just what they want, especially when he is so pleased that he also leaves them lots and lots of real money.
Definition: Haptaphores – Ehrlich postulated that cells contained surface extensions or side chains (haptophores) that bind to the certain elements of a toxin.
HIV Tests are Totally Opposite of The Immune Theory
“[In order to do a proper test] . . . extraordinarily high dilution of the person’s serum [400 times] took me by surprise. Most serologic tests that look for the presence of antibodies against germs uses neat serum [undiluted]. For example, the tests that look for antibodies to hepatitis A and B viruses, rubella virus, syphilis, hystoplasma and cryptococus, to mention a few of them, use straight serum [undiluted].
However, to try to prevent false positive reactions some serologic tests use diluted serum; for example this is the case with tests that look for antibodies to measles, varicelia and mumps viruses which use a dilution of 1:16, to cytomegalovirus [CMV] 1:20 and to Epstein-Barr Virus [EBV] 1:10.
The obvious questions are: What makes HIV so unique that the test serum needs to be diluted 400 times? And what would happen if the individual’s serum is not diluted?
I first took samples of blood that, at 1:400 dilution, tested negative for antibodies to HIV. I then ran the exact same serum samples through the test again, but this time without diluting them. Tested straight, they all came positive. This would probably mean that the blood that is negative when diluted, but positive when undiluted, has a lower level of antibodies than the diluted blood that is doubly positive and, therefore, may probably test negative on the Western blot test.
The results presented here could also mean that the tests used for detecting antibodies to HIV are not specific for HIV, as has been explained previously7-4. In this case, there would be reasons other than HIV infection, past or present, to explain why a person reacts positive to it. The test also reacts positive in the absence of HIV (7-14).
Since people are reacting positive on tests that are not specific for HIV, let’s please stop labeling them as “HIV positive”.
Antibody Tests for Food Allergies are False & Misleading
Diagnosis of food allergy, in particular, has classically involved the detection of IgE antibodies with a variety of different methodologies. The observation is that high circulating serum concentrations of some IgG subtypes have been measured in certain atopic (allergic) individuals. The theory behind this testing is that high circulating levels of IgG antibodies are correlated with clinical food allergy signs and symptoms.
The detection of food allergies with the use of food allergy panels, in contrast to the other methodologies, i.e. skin prick test, is easy and convenient for both patient and physician. One need only submit a blood sample from the patient and the laboratory returns not only the foods the patient is allergic to but a rotation or elimination diet for the patient.
We, at Bastyr, are unaware of any peer-reviewed published study examining the positive predictive values of IgG for the diagnosis of food allergy or the association of this test with food allergy signs and symptoms. Only one company, (in Florida) of all we interviewed, reports that a study examining correlation of food IgG levels and elimination diets is currently underway (n=50).
Therefore, with regard to high serum levels of IgG and other allergy tests, it is a large extrapolation (stretch) that IgG to food antigens is correlated to signs and symptoms of food allergy. Furthermore, the clinical meaning of elevated IgG levels in atopic (allergic) individuals has caused much debate of late, including the premise of IgG as a blocking antibody.
In addition to the lack of documented correlation between IgG and food allergy, it is uncertain if numerous companies doing this assay are even measuring what they think they are. Upon interviewing the companies that we send our patient samples to, we learned that all of these companies do their own in-house ELISAs/EIA.
What that means is they designed their own EIA/ELISA tests from scratch. The questions that arise concerning in-house ELISAs is how and where the companies obtained the food antigens that coat the ELISA plates? In other words, what are the circulating antibodies in patient sera (blood) binding to?
One of the labs that we evaluated claimed proprietary information as to the manufacture of their antigens but the other two labs both bought the food antigens for their ELISA panels from a company in Oklahoma. Interviewing the chief technologist gave some surprising insights into their food antigen preparation.
The foods to make the antigens were obtained from a local Oklahoma market (they tried to buy organic foods whenever they could). The foods were then chopped finely and diluted to make the antigens. Other than several rinses with an organic solvent (acetone), the food antigens were not purified.
The problems that may be associated with this preparation are enormous. For one, all food (organic and non-organic) is coated with micro-organisms. The most common of these include bacteria and fungi, but viruses and parasites may also be found on fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and meat products. Micro-organisms have many antigens that are highly immunogenic.
It is common knowledge that most people have high circulating levels of IgG to a number of common micro-organisms. To this likely wealth of micro-organisms in the testing wells, there is the presence of possible pesticides, and organic solvents that are not (according to the technologist interviewed) rinsed away during preparation.
Therefore, what is really being measured in these panels? Is it an immune reaction to certain foods or is it a person’s exposure to common bacteria and fungi? What about a person’s previous exposure to pesticides and organic solvents? Numerous studies have shown high levels of IgG to pesticides and organic solvents in persons with high exposure rates.
It is possible that there are many antigens in each well. If that is true, then one would see a high number of non-specific antigen/antibody interactions, giving a high number of false positives in these tests.
Are there a high amount of non-specific binding and false positives occurring in these tests? There is no way to test this easily, at the present time. However, what was seen in our small study correlates with this hypothesis. The patient whose blood was drawn for our studies is in very good health with no current signs and symptoms of food allergy.
This person, however, tested reactive in 76% of Lab A’s test (73 positive/96 foods), in 29% (28 positive/95 foods) of Lab B’s test, and reactive in 22% (22 positive/102 foods) of Lab C’s test.
Healing Reactions are “Not” Allergic Reactions
An allergy is defined as: “A condition in which the body has an exaggerated response to a substance introduced by inhalation, ingestion, injection, or skin contact, often manifested by itchy eyes, runny nose, wheezing, skin rash, hives, diarrhea, gas, bloating, headaches, aching muscles, joint pain, and many others. Please note that these reactions are exactly the same symptoms as healing reactions.
These reactions are created by the immune system, as a healing response, indicating that it is working very hard to eliminate and/or minimize the effects of toxic overloads on the body, or the ingestion of a poison. Candida overgrowth itself contributes over 79 different types of toxins, most of which are alcohol.
Handling this overload is like trying to handle a hangover every single day of your life until you get rid of the candida overgrowth. There are many other toxic sources in our environment and foods as well, which add to the toxic overload on the body. Some substances aren’t merely toxic, but act just like poison, which causes direct debilitating damage.
It is widely published that allergies are caused by a depressed immune system. At the same time allergic responses and symptoms means the immune system is working extremely hard. When the immune system isn’t working up to par, it results in a total breakdown, so that bacteria, viruses or diseases, such as cancer, are allowed to take over. However, a healthy immune system is designed to destroy bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, etc.
Many people mistakenly assume they are allergic to many healthy foods, herbs, spices, etc. because of allergy tests or healing reactions created within the body which doctors label as “allergic reactions.”
Please note that almost all allergy tests are inaccurate and they should not be relied upon to determine your allergies. Some allergies are obvious, because they are caused by toxic substances, i.e. room deodorizers, smoke, chemicals – in the air, body care products, cleaning products, etc., i.e. smog, chemtrails, pesticides, additives, preservatives, etc.
But allergies to animal dander, dust mites, dust, mold, pollen, etc. are less obvious. However, not everyone reacts negatively to these substances, which obviously points to a depressed immune system in those that do.
Also the body can react to good unadulterated foods with “allergic-like” symptoms too, exactly the same way it reacts to toxins or poisons. However these reaction are “not” allergic reactions, they are healing reactions. When the body receives nutrients it needs to heal, it goes into high gear, doing its job of healing, which therefore creates healing symptoms.
The long list of healing symptoms are exactly the same as the long list of allergic reactions, i.e. increased mucus in all mucus membranes (nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, intestines, stomach, etc.), headaches, stomach upset, gas, bloating, difficulty breathing, inflammation, heart palpitations, swelling, rashes, hives, diarrhea, constipation, fever, etc.
- Michael Nightingale, “Jabs and Journeys,” Epoch Magazine, 1982;
- Antibody Theory
- Everybody Reacts Positive on the ELISA Test for HIV IgG Food Allergy Testing by ELISA/EIA – What Do They Really Tell Us? by Sheryl B. Miller, MT (ASCP), PhD
- IgG Food Allergy Testing by ELISA/EIA What Do They Really Tell Us? Clinical Laboratory Director, Bastyr University Natural Health Clinic
- Allergies, What They Are & How to Treat Them