Vitamin D, Amount of Sun Exposure Required
© Copyright Bee Wilder March 29, 2015
NOTE: Most people today are not able to meet all of the requirements for making vitamin D on their skin even in the Summer Months, see “Requirements for Making Vitamin D on the Skin from the Sun” below. Therefore, most people need to take cod liver oil (omega 3, and vitamins A and D) 12 months of the year.
Factors That Affect Vitamin D Levels
- Low Antioxidant levels, with natural animals fats being the best antioxidants for humans, i.e. butter, unrefined coconut oil, lard, tallow, chicken and goose fat, fish fat, etc. Most people today consume too many Unnatural Fats and Oils which damage the entire body at a cellular level, which means they cannot produce the kinds of fats their skin needs in order to make vitamin D from the sun. To understand the difference between natural and unnatural fats see Unnatural Fats & Oils Damage the Entire Body.
- Diet in general which needs to contain the combination of nutrients all Humans needs in order to be healthy at a cellular level, i.e. protein from meats and eggs, high natural fats, and low-carbs. Note: Carbs are plant foods that are grown in soil/dirt, and they are any foods not classified as protein or fat.
Bee’s Candida Program is an OVERALL Healing Program that improves anyone’s health, as witnessed by these miraculous Success Stories. For an overall program that improves anyone’s health (foods and supplements) read How to Successfully Overcome Candida. - Eliminate as many toxins as possible, particularly in foods and drinks, and in skin care products (sunscreen and sunblock), lotion, makeup, etc., see Toxins – Environmental, Household and Personal Care.
- Age
- Skin color (see below)
- Current tan level
- Latitude and altitude (elevation, i.e. distance from the sun), with the Equator being the highest sun exposure.
- Cloud cover and pollution
- Surface reflection, since reflection off water, ice and snow intensifies sun exposure.
- Season
- Time of day
Requirements for Making Vitamin D on the Skin from the Sun
- Sun exposure must be done daily when not taking vitamin D supplements.
- A minimum of 40% of the body surface (skin) needs to be exposed to the sun.
- Exposure must be to prime midday sun (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM) when the UVB rays are strongest; UVB are the kind of sun rays that produce vitamin D on the skin.
- Most people require 800 to 1,200 IU vitamin D minimum daily, in addition to vitamin D found naturally in foods. About 100 to 200 IU of vitamin D is produced for each 5 percent of body surface exposed.
- Light skinned people need 10 to 20 minutes of sun exposure daily, while dark skinned people need 90-120 minutes daily.
- Natural skin oil is critical to the absorption process since vitamin D is only formed on skin that has enough natural oil formed on its surface and if it stays on the skin long enough after exposure to the sun.
Chlorine in swimming pools, baths and showers strips away natural oils on the skin, and washing with soap removes oils from the skin. Therefore immediately after washing with soap and/or exposure to chlorinated water, chlorine and soap residue should be removed by applying unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil all over the skin’s surface. That will allow natural oils to start being built up on its surface, which takes about 24 hours after removing residues, so you should plan your sun exposure accordingly.
Dr. Mercola claims that we need 48 hours “after proper sun exposure” in order to absorb vitamin D containing oils from the skin surface, so do not wash with chlorinated water, nor go into a chlorinated swimming pool, or wash with soap for two (2) days.
But remember, in order to get enough vitamin D you need daily exposure to the sun when you do not take vitamin D supplements.
This is why it is difficult, to almost impossible, for most people today to get enough vitamin D from sun exposure. Therefore taking cod liver oil is recommended all year, except for those “rare people” who are able to fulfill all of the requirements above.
Some people may worry that if they are in the sun a lot they will overdose on Vitamin D. However this doesn’t happen, and here’s why. When you’re exposed to the sun, the UVB rays creates vitamin D on your skin, while the UVA rays in the sunlight will tend to destroy excessive levels of vitamin D circulating in your body. That means that even “if” you are taking vitamin D and also getting it from the sun, the UVA rays in sunlight won’t allow you to have too much vitamin D.
For more details about taking cod liver oil see Cod Liver Oil Brands/Products with Nutrient Levels. Use a safe and beneficial sunscreen, which is unrefined coconut oil!