Why Blood Tests Cannot Reflect What is Happening at a Cellular Level

© Copyright Bee Wilder November 13, 2016

Also see this article that confirms the information below: Dr. Patrick Quanten on Blood Tests

Introduction to the Circulatory System

Your circulatory system, also called cardiovascular system, includes the heart and blood vessels. It is the system in humans and other animals that delivers oxygen, nutrients, hormones, water, etc. throughout the body by a complex network of blood vessels. It also carries carbon dioxide and natural waste products from the cells to eliminatory organs such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, bowels, etc. For example, we breathe in oxygen (good air) and breathe out carbon dioxide (bad air) through our lungs.

The circulatory system has three main kinds of blood vessels:

  1. arteries
  2. veins
  3. capillaries, the smallest blood vessels that are only 1 cell thick

1. Arteries carry oxygen from the lungs, nutrients and fluids from the digestive system, hormones from various organs and cells throughout the body, including the brain, etc., and delivers them to the cells through the capillaries.

2. Veins get deoxygenated blood (carbon dioxide), natural waste products from the cells, and any nutrients, hormones or fluids the cells did not need or could not use from the capillaries, and carries it to eliminating organs, i.e. lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, bowels, etc., to get rid of them.

3. Capillaries are only 1 cell thick. Arteries and veins meet at capillary networks; arterial blood on one side and veinous blood on the other side—see this image of a Capillary Bed. These capillary networks are located throughout the body and are in direct contact with all cells, while veins and arteries are not in direct contact with the cells.

How Veins, Arteries, and Capillaries Interconnect

This is an example for oxygen and nutrients only.

  1. Arteries get oxygen from the arterial capillaries located around the lungs, and nutrients from the arterial capillaries around the digestive system.
  2. Then the arterial blood flows to aterial capillaries that are in direct contact with all cells.
  3. The cells take any oxygen, nutrients, hormones, etc. from the arterial capillaries that they need or can use, which can depend upon the availability of other nutrients or what is needed at any given time.
  4. The venous capillaries are in direct contact with all cells, so the cells transfer their own natural waste products, like carbon dioxide, into them, and blood in the venous capillaries flows through the veins that go to venous capillaries around eliminating organs like the liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, bowels, etc. to get rid of them.

Why Blood Tests Cannot Reflect What is Happening at a Cellular Level

Most blood tests are taken from a vein, commonly from those around the elbow. If blood is taken from an artery, it is usually extracted from the wrist where there is an artery that is very close to the skin. This may be slightly uncomfortable, as the artery wall has more pain nerves in it than the vein wall.

Blood tests taken from the veins cannot possibly reflect what is going on at a cellular level since veinous blood contains natural waste products from the cells along with nutrients, hormones, etc. the cells do not need or cannot use.  Vein blood is part of the waste management system of the body.

Blood tests taken from the arteries also cannot possibly reflect what is going on at a cellular level since it is loaded with oxygen, nutrients, hormones, etc. that haven’t reached the cells, and taking blood from arterial blood is very painful.

In other words, blood tests cannot confirm "when, how much, and what" nutrients, hormones, etc. are taken up by the cells or needed. Also many nutrients, hormones and other substances are:

  1. Stored within the body, such as vitamins A and D.
  2. Produced by the body, such as vitamin D produced on the skin by the sun; hormones like estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, and fatty tissues; cholesterol produced by the liver, white blood cells, etc.
  3. Re-circulated and re-used, such as iron and other minerals, fats, proteins, etc.
  4. Excreted "as needed", i.e. by the kidneys in order to maintain blood glucose or pH levels (acidity/alkalinity balance), or through the bowels and kidneys when not needed by the cells such as water soluble vitamins like C or B. That is why taking vitamin B complex makes the urine yellow, and why vitamin C can cause loose stools if doses are not increased slowly enough to allow cells enough time to take it in.

Nutrient and/or hormone levels can be forced up so vein blood tests are according to modern medical standards, but forcing up levels in vein blood does not help and is often very harmful and damaging, since higher amounts in the veins is not the amount available for use by the cells in artery blood, nor does it reflect the amounts produced, stored, etc.

All Nutrients, Hormones, Substances, etc. Work Together in the Body

In fact, all nutrients and hormones work together in the body. In order to ensure your body is utilizing nutrients like folic acid, a B vitamin, many others are required, particularly B12 and all of the other B vitamins, along with good saturated fats like butter, lard, unrefined coconut oil, etc. as well as animal meats and eggs, minerals, and other supplements like vitamin C, omega 3, vitamins A, D and E, etc. as outlined in my Candida Program—see How to Successfully Overcome Candida. That is why my Candida Program improves anyone’s health, as witnessed by these miraculous Success Stories.

The exchange of artery and vein blood is through the capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels that are only 1 cell thick. That is why it is important to eliminate toxins and damaging foods and substances so red blood cells are flexible enough and able to fold over in order to get into tiny capillaries— see Toxins Causes Cell Membranes Defects.

If the cell membranes are unhealthy they aren’t as able to intake hormones, nutrients, and even water, and cells that make up organs that produce hormones aren’t as able to produce them as they should, such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary, pancreas, etc.

Fats and oils do not work alone, since they require many other nutrients, i.e. protein, vitamins, minerals, and other fats in order to be absorbed and utilized—see Nutrients Required for Human Health & Healing.

All minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, chloride, etc., can only be utilized in the body when there is the correct combination of good fats, including cod liver oil (contains omega 3, and vitamins A & D), vitamin E, saturated fats like unrefined coconut oil, butter, lard, and other animals fats. Of course, again, all of the nutrients work together, i.e. protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc.

Unhealthy Cell Membranes are Affected by Two Major Issues

Note: Tissues, organs, bones, etc. are made up of many cells that are close together, unlike red blood cells that are separate unless they are clotting.

  1. In order for cell membranes to be healthy they must be constructed out of 50% saturated fat (lung cell membranes need 100%), and all of the fats and oil soluble vitamins work together in order to do this, as written by Mary Enig, PhD, in Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin Pathways. If cell membranes are not constructed properly the cells become weak and are less able to intake oxygen, nutrients, hormones, etc., and they also lack the energy they need to get rid of their own natural waste products.
  2. Toxins make cell membranes rigid/stiff so the cells are less able to intake nutrients, hormones, oxygen, water, etc.—see Toxins Causes Cell Membranes Defects.

Why Testing Vein Blood for the Amount of Vitamin D to Take is Harmful and Damaging

Testing vitamin D levels in the blood has become popular these days, however vein blood cannot reflect the amount of vitamin D that was available in artery blood, nor the amount that is stored, nor the amount produced on the skin by the sun, etc. so you couldn’t possibly know how much you need to take in supplement form in order to have enough.  The amount of vitamin D in the blood is the amount that the cells could not use or did not need at any given time.

Also vitamin D works with vitamin A and E, and all other healthy fats, as well as many other nutrients as noted above. For example, if there isn’t enough vitamin A your cells are not able to intake vitamin D.

It become a very serious problem because taking higher than needed vitamin D increases the uptake of calcium, which causes the body to get rid of magnesium. Magnesium is the mineral that relaxes the muscles, and it is most important for maintaining regular heart beats, and for many other functions throughout the body. If a person is too low on magnesium a blood vessel in their heart can seize up (constrict) and cause a heart attack.

Testing Blood for the Amount of Hormones, Nutrients, etc. Needed is Meaningless

Therefore testing your blood for hormones and nutrients like Vitamin D, iron, calcium, B12, etc. is totally meaningless.

That is why it is so important to stick to the basics, by only taking the kinds and amounts of supplements in conservative doses as recommended since "more is not better"! and it can be damaging and harmful.

Your body is smart enough to balance out all of its nutrient, hormone, water, etc. levels, and it becomes fully oxygenated and energetic "IF" it gets what it needs to do its job according to Nature’s Laws on Health and Healing. God did not make any stupid bodies, and Nature gets it right!


  1. Capillary Bed.
  2. Grabowski, Sandra R., Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Hoboken, NY, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
  3. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 2012, by Arthur C. Guyton, M.D.
  4. This confirms the information above!  Dr. Patrick Quanten on Blood Tests