Bentonite Clay in Not Good to Use
© Copyright Bee Wilder
Bentonite clay is the trade name for a commercial type of clay which uses the Smectite group of clays, called montmorillonite clay, and it contains aluminum.
I mainly got turned off bentonite clay when I found out humans and animals have been poisoned by chronic ingestion of it, with symptoms such as muscle pain, muscle rheumatism, muscle weakness and lethargy, along with hypokalemia (an abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood) and iron deficiency resulting in a type of anemia. That’s when I started researching it.
It is also possible for bentonite clay to come from land areas which have been toxic dumps. Clay beds are commonly used for dumping such toxic wastes because the layer of clay confines it and acts as an impervious barrier to the passage of water.
Some bentonite clay has been found to contain dioxins (a by-product of pesticide manufacture: a toxic compound that is carcinogenic).
Also companies that use bentonite clay, like the oil industry, warn workers about inhaling bentonite powder, which is very dangerous.
That is because it contains silica dust, which when inhaled causes respiratory problems. They advise using a mask or extraction fan to avoid contact with the dust.
Bentonite clay is use as an absorbent material to remove heavy metals from the intestines, and also to provide minerals to the body — it contains about 61 types of minerals.
A much safer and healthier way to provide the body with minerals is with by eating nutrient-dense foods, and also getting plenty of good ocean sea salt like Celtic, which contains over 80 minerals.
Sea salt also aids digestion by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid, bile and other digestive enzymes. It also helps the body absorb nutrients out of foods.