The “Truth” About Health & Longevity
Physical Health is defined as:
- a state of physical well-being that is free of dis-ease, disorders, malfunctions, pain or weakness
- a physical state of being in which all of the parts and organs are sound and functioning normally, and in proper condition
- the condition of the body and its various parts and functions are normal and efficient so as to prolong life
The medical industry claims people are living longer today due to improved medical science, hygiene (cleanliness), sanitation, pure water, vaccines, etc. than they were before. However evidence proves that is not true! An astute member of the Weston A. Price Foundation discovered some interesting statistics about U.S. centenarians [people who are 100 years of age or older] compared to total population —see Are We Really Living Longer? From a video segment recently aired on Nova [2007 population 306 million], we learn that as of 2007 only one in 10,000 Americans will live to age 100 [0.33% of the total population].
US census data indicates that in 1990, there were an estimated 37,306 centenarians out of 248,709,873 . . . [or 1.5% of the total population]. According to numbers compiled at the University of Virginia, in 1830 there were 2,600 centenarians out of 12,866,020 people, or . . .[or 2.02% of the total population].
Summary by Year
- 2007: 0.33% of total population were 100 years of age or more
- 1990: 1.50% of total population were 100 years of age or more
- 1830: 2.02% of total population were 100 years of age or more
There is also a wonderful story of the longevity of Ethiopians, Fifth Century B.C. in Life Without Bread, by Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D., page 10:
“Observations recorded throughout modern history reflect the benefits of low-carbohydrate nutrition. Herodotus [an ancient Greek historian] tells of the meeting between a Persian delegation and the King of Ethiopia in the fifth century B.C., and of the curiosity of the Ethiopian king concerning Cambyses, the Persian king.
Finally [the Ethiopian king] came to the wine and, having learnt the process of its manufacture, drank some and found it delicious; then, for a last question, he asked what the Persian king ate and what was the greatest age that Persians could attain.
Getting in reply an account of the nature and cultivation of wheat, and hearing that the Persian king ate bread,and that people in Persia did not commonly live beyond eighty, he said he was not surprised that anyone who ate dung should die so soon, adding that the Persians would doubtlessly die younger still, if they did not keep themselves going with that drink—and here he pointed to the wine—the one thing in which he admitted the superiority of the Persians.
The Persians, in their turn, asked the Ethiopian king how long the Ethiopians lived and what they ate, and were told that most of them lived to be 120, and some even more, and that they ate boiled meat and drank milk.”