Healthy Diet, How to Get Started

© Copyright Bee Wilder

Your journey towards total health begins by reading and learning.

It can be very overwhelming to be unhealthy and/or overweight and also face the amount of information you need to learn in order to get healthy and/or lose weight. Unfortunately there is no way around it, so reading is your first, and most important step!

Ensure you read these articles so you understand why this program is designed the way it is:

However, this healing program is actually simple because it is “Back to Nature” and “Foods are Medicine!” That means consuming “real foods” as close to Nature as possible, and not consuming fake unnatural foods or foods that contain chemicals as produced by the food industry. It also means eliminating foods that have been known to cause health problems for hundreds of years, such as sugars, starches, and a diet high in carbohydrates (plant foods) and low in natural fats, as well as eliminating foods that are damaging to health as discussed in Foods That Damage, Foods That Heal.

Your 1st Step Towards Health

Read Foods That Damage, Foods That Heal, so you will understand the kinds of foods that are unhealthy and the kinds of foods that are healthy, and why.

“Proper Nutrition” is Most Important

“Proper nutrition” (diet plus all supplements) are most important for getting healthy, because they provide your body with the nutrients it needs to do its job of healing, maintaining health and in order to lose weight. Of course it goes without saying, “proper nutrition” also includes eliminating toxins and damaging foods.

“Proper nutrition” for humans was best researched and documented by Dr. Weston A. Price in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, where he writes on page 464:

“We humans have the same rigid restrictions regarding food selection as the simpler forms of life when foods are evaluated from their chemical basis.”

He also write on page 415: “. . . it is not necessary to adopt the foods of any particular racial stock, but only to make our nutrition adequate in all its nutritive factors to the primitive nutrition. Tooth decay is not only unnecessary, but an indication of our divergence from Nature’s fundamental laws of life and health.”

This healthy program has proved to heal the body naturally as reported in these many Success Stories, which starts with three autistic boys. You can’t go wrong following Nature’s fundamental laws of life and health as Dr. Price writes above. Also, your body is smart enough to balance out all of its nutrients, hormones, create its own friendly bacteria (probiotics), etc. when it gets the nutrients it needs!

Your 2nd Step Towards Health

The best way to approach your healing and/or weight loss, is one step at a time. Not only is it easier on you, but it also won’t overwhelm or confuse your body, which will cause more detoxifying and healing symptoms than necessary. Your body needs time to adjust to each change, at it’s own pace and as it sees fit, so do not make changes too quickly. Believe in your body’s marvelous healing capabilities and the importance of “proper nutrition” for healing your body the way Nature intended. You should work towards being completely on this Healthy Program within 6 weeks to 2 months.

Do Not Push or Overwhelm Your Body by:

  1. Changing, eliminating or adding too many things at one time.
  2. Taking supplements that are not recommended – the diet plus supplements provides all that your body requires in order to heal itself naturally. Your body is smart enough to balance out all of its nutrient levels when you give it what it needs to do its job.
  3. Taking supplements in doses higher or lower than recommended.
  4. Doing invasive, harsh, and unnecessary treatments, such as cleanses, fasting, too much exercise, sweating out in the sauna, etc. K.I.S.S. — keep it simple sweetie.
  5. Taking other unnecessary supplements not on the recommended list. “More is not better.”

Your 3rd Step Towards Health

Eliminate These Damaging Foods

  1. All sugars, artificial sugar, sugar substitutes (except small amounts of stevia), and sources of sugars, honey, maple syrup, molasses, including fruits (except small amounts of lemons and limes), high fructose corn syrup, etc. and any foods or products that contain sugars. Remember if it tastes sweet it contains sugar.
  2. All unnatural man-made oils and fats, including all vegetable, nut and seeds oils that did not exist before industrialization, with the exception of extra virgin or virgin olive oil, and also all foods that contain these oils and fats – see Unnatural Fats & Oils.
  3. Low-fat dairy products, because butterfat in dairy helps the body digest lactose and proteins in milk. Consume lots of butter, drink whole milk, and have cream, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, etc. that are high in butterfat content. Butterfat content is on the label as M.F. (milk fat) percentage, i.e. 2% M.F., 0% M.F., 10% M.F., etc. Cheese should be 30% M.F. or higher. Sour cream and yogurt should be 14% M.F. or higher. Watch food labels since many dairy products also contain additives such as carrageenan, which is a form of MSG, and calcium chloride which are neurotoxic (toxins that damage the brain and nerves).
  4. High carb foods such as starches, those high in sugar, grains and legumes (plants from seed pods, i.e. peas and beans), including bread, cereal, pasta, pizza, baked goods, potatoes, etc. Grains include barley, rye, rice, wheat, oats, corn, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth, spelt, etc. Starches also include potatoes, yams, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, legumes, and most squash. High sugar foods include carrots, beets, yams, sweet potatoes, etc. – if it tastes sweet it contains sugar.
  5. All soy products of any kind, including soybeans, soy oil, soy milk, soy sauce, etc.
  6. All processed foods and drinks.

Consume Healthy Foods

Here’s a complete Healthy Diet Food List.

The diet consists of:

  • Moderate protein intake from animal meats, high-fat dairy products, eggs, and seafoods.
  • High intake of natural fats and oils, i.e. butter, unrefined coconut oil, lard, bacon fat, and all other natural occurring animal fats, i.e. chicken fat, goose fat, fish fat, tallow, etc.
  • Low carbohydrates (plant foods).

Example Program for Making Changes

Make Your Own Plan for Changing Over to This Program. Buy a large lined notebook to write down your own step by step plan for changing over to this program from the suggestions below. Include a target date for completing each step so you are completely changed over to this program within 6 weeks to 2 months.

  1. Start eliminating some A. Sugars (above), and B. Unnatural Fats and oils (above). At the same time start increasing good fats, i.e. butter, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil, and protein (if your intake was quite low). Do not increase proteins at a faster rate than you increase good fats, by trying to keep a balance of 20% protein to 60% fat (by calorie count). If your protein intake was high you might need to lower it temporarily until you are are able to consume enough fats. If you do not consume enough fats in ratio to proteins it can cause constipation.

    If you increase protein without enough “good” fats to accompany it you can also get an upset stomach. It is more important to get your fat ratios up to the recommended levels than to increase protein too fast. Maintaining the correct ratios of fats to proteins will become more important as you lower your carbs.
  2. Start taking supplements. Start with low doses and gradually increase them. If you have problems taking some of them cut back on the dose a little and increase them more gradually, or spread out the amounts taken throughout the day by taking smaller doses more frequently. Ensure you take all supplements with complete meals, and also take hydrochloric acid supplements (HCl) if you have any kind of digestive problems – see How to Take Hydrochloric Acid Supplements. When you start on cod liver oil or fish oil (omega-3), include them in your total fat intake.
  3. Continue eliminating A. Sugars, B. Unnatural Fats & Oils, and start eliminating C. Low-Fat Dairy Products (above), as well as continuing to increase good fats and protein (if required).
  4. Continue eliminating A. Sugars, B. Unnatural Fats & Oils, C. Low-Fat Dairy, and work on eliminating foods listed under D. High-carb foods (above). Since it is more difficult to increase fats than proteins, concentrate on increasing good fats, even if you need to eat it by the spoonful with meals.
  5. At this point you should have eliminated all A. Sugars, B. Unnatural Fats & Oils, and C. Low-Fat Dairy.
    Continue eliminating more foods listed under D. High-Carb Foods and eliminate E. Soy Foods, and continue increasing good fats. If your fat intake is lagging do not increase protein until you are able to consume enough good fats. Also eliminate E. Soybean or soy products of any kind.
  6. At this point you should have eliminated A. Sugars, B. Unnatural Fats & Oils, C. Low-Fat Dairy, C. High-Carb Foods, and E. Soy Foods. Now start eliminating F. Processed Foods and Drinks. At the same time work on increasing good saturated fats.
  7. Finally you should have eliminated all of the damaging foods above, i.e. A. Sugars, B. Unnatural Oils & Fats, c. Low-Fat Dairy, D. High-Carb Foods, E. Soy, and E. processed foods, and are getting plenty of natural fats and protein, and you carb intake will be low. If you have not been able to accomplish this, it is important that you discipline yourself and make a concerted effort to eliminate all of the damaging foods. Hopefully you are now getting enough fats so you can eat the amount of protein recommended or more if necessary, and you are consuming low-carbs.

Keep a Diary

It is recommended you keep a Diary with dates for listing health problems and/or weight (take it at least once a month), the steps you have achieved on this program, and the health problems that have been resolved.

When you feel the most discouraged you can review your Diary and see exactly how far you have come.

Keep Track of These Items In Your Dairy:

  1. Health problems and symptoms and/or weight issues you had before starting on this program.
  2. Each step you’ve achieved along the way; you should work towards getting completely on this program within 6 weeks to 2 months.
  3. Improvements, changes and weight as you progress on this program.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for achieving each step and for your successes as you progress on this program. Do not use food as a reward. Rewards may include a book, a movie, a massage, a day at the SPA, a weekend trip with a good friend or spouse, a knick knack or tool, new clothes, a new plant for your home, garden or yard, etc.